Huzur Saheb Nanded : Railway Station In Laconic Delighted Way
Nanded has 2 rail route stations which are Huzur Sahib Nanded Railway Station and Maltekdi Railway Station. In past blog we examined with regards to both Maltekdi Railway Station and Huzur Saheb Nanded Railway Station. Nanded has 2 rail route stations which are Huzur Sahib Nanded Railway Station and Maltekdi Railway Station. In past blog we examined with regards to both Maltekdi Railway Station and Huzur Saheb Nanded Railway Station. The Huzur Saheb Nanded Railway station is as large as you can’t even think and Huzur Saheb Nanded railway station topic is very lengthy and can’t be in one blog. So we concluded that we should make portions of this blog. So more data connected with Huzur Saheb Nanded railway station will be in next blog (we made this promise in last blog). So as per the promised remaining portion of Previous blog of Huzur Saheb Nanded is here. If you haven’t read previous blog then go through this Huzur Saheb Nanded Railway station then you should read this.
Presently we will examine about remaining portion of Huzur Saheb Nanded. Our group visited in Huzur Sahib Nanded Railway Station and we shared our experience to you through this blog. So this blog is survey of Huzur Sahib Nanded Railway Station. Location of Huzur Saheb Nanded Railway station is Location.
Huzur Sahib Nanded Railway Station :-

As we entered in railway station, we saw these two halls. In previous blog we discussed about some part of halls. Now lets talk about whole. So In hall area there were ticket counter or booking office. From ticket counter you can purchase your tickets and also can purchase platform pass of railway station. The platform pass of railway station is of Rs.20/- if you don’t purchase platform pass and railway police caught you at platform without pass then you have to pay Rs.500/- as a fine.
Reserved tickets are additionally given in booking office. For the booking office , there were four counter for booking or purchasing of tickets. Two counter for gents and other for ladies. These four booking counters are for convenience of passengers and for their family, friends and relative. There were two ATVM. ATVM is Automatic Ticket Vending Machine. Two ATVM for comfort of passengers and for their family, friends and relative. There were different sign boards which describe the areas of railway station. These sign boards were all over the railway station.

So this one the first hall. The other hall is waiting area. As you can see a person is waiting for his train and enjoying the services of railway station. There were stainless steel chairs for people and separate chair are available for ladies for their comfort. In the corners of halls, there were garbage cans. Green for Wet waste and blue for Dry Waste. In railway station there were water bottle recycle machine which is helpful for environment and also produce less plastic waste.
Platform 4 of Huzur Saheb Nanded :-

As you guys know Huzur Sahib Nanded Railway Station has two entrance. So we are gonna talk about second entrance because this entrance is near to our house that’s why we are at platform 4 not platform 1. In above picture, There are right view and left view of railway station. For platform 1, 2, 3 and exit there were stairs, escalator stairs and lifts.In Huzur Saheb Nanded railway station there wifi service. Huzur Saheb Nanded provides free wifi service for people . You have to just register your number on wifi link which is available on your notification panel when wifi is connected to railway station. And after registration railway system accepted you and provide you free internet upto 10 mbps.
Parking :-

As we are climbing the stairs we saw another parking lot of Huzur Saheb Nanded railway station .In previous blog we talk about first parking. This is the second parking of railway station . As you can see , in the parking lot there were bikes, cars auto rickshaw as well. This looks small in picture but actually it is large space. There were tickets for parking of two wheeler, four wheelers as well as three wheelers. We have ticket and information of tickets is available on previous blog. The guard of this parking was very helpful and he take care of vehicles of people . If you don’t want to buy the ticket for parking then you need to park your vehicle outside of the parking area.
Top of Stairs of Huzur Saheb Nanded :-

As we are top of the stairs, there were a LED sign board which shows welcome to Nanded Railway station. In the corners of top of the stairs there were Wet waste garbage cans as well as Dry Waste garbage cans. There were escalator stairs which gives premium look to railway Station. In top of stairs there were metal fence on the edges for safety purpose.

This above picture is taken from centre of the top of the stairs. This picture has right view as well as left view of railway station. These collage of picture contains whole Huzur Saheb Nanded Railway Station. This picture is so satisfying and looking very beautiful. In this picture there were some wafers packets on the railway by the passengers but this is cleaned by the workers of the railway staff until morning. You can see all above pictures, there were no trash in any picture except this. The railway cleaning staff is so hardworking then not only clean the floor but also they were wiping floor which water which shows that they are very hygenic related to public safety.
So this is the Nanded’s one and only Huzur Saheb Nanded Railway Station and that’s it for this blog. I hope you will love this blog and do not forget to share with your family, friends and loved ones. If you guys liked this blog then make sure to do comments for more food blogs.
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Also check out our recent blogs One Of The Best Railway Station In Nanded and Huzur Sahib Nanded : One Of The Best Railway Of Maharashtra
Thanks You 🙂 !!!