Best Back Exercises At Gym

Best Back Exercises At Gym

Best Back Exercises

Hi, Everyone Today’s blog is on Best Back Exercises At Gym. In the last blog, I upload the chest exercises for the best result. And now I will tell you the best exercises for back at the gym to grow a perfect back.

The back is the second big muscle after the legs. The back muscle is divided into the upper back, Lats, and lower back. And you have to train these muscles for a perfect back. Many people perform back exercises in the gym but in the wrong way. But don’t worry I will tell you the correct way. let’s start with our first exercise back exercise.

Lat Pull Down, Best Back Exercises

This is the most common exercise for the back. And it is a very helpful exercise to build the back. But many people perform it in the wrong manner. First of all, you need to activate your back muscles, For that, you need to stretch your back. Then after activation of back muscles take a proper position, Hold a neutral grip on the bar not too wide not too close. Then adjust the appropriate weight and pull the bar, and perform the exercise. Sets for this exercise, First perform the warm-up set with lightweight, The second set should be moderate, and then perform 2 heavy sets. The reps in the warmup set are 12, In modered set 12, and in heavy sets, the reps range should be 8-12.

Best Back Exercises

Bent Over Row

This exercise is very important for the thickness of the back. This exercise targets the upper back and the middle or we can say the inner back. You can perform this exercise by two methods one is normal grip and the second is under the grip. Both works on similar muscles but under the grip are more stable ones. If you want to build a muscular back then you must have this exercise in your back routine. please focus on position before adding more weight, If you perform this exercise with heavy weight without focusing on correct then it causes the injury. So make sure you hold the proper position. Sets for this exercise, First perform the warm-up set with lightweight, The second set should be moderate, and then perform 2 heavy sets. The reps in the warmup set are 12, In modered set 12, and in heavy sets, the reps range should be 8-12.

Best Back Exercises

T-Bar Row

T-Bar row is the old-school back exercise. And this exercise is my personal favorite Because this exercise involves the upper back and lats. After performing this exercise you feel a great pump in your back muscles. this exercise is simple but very effective. many gyms have machines for this exercise, If in your gym the machine is not available then, take a long barbell like bench press then take support of the wall. And perform the exercise. Sets for this exercise, First, perform the warm-up set with lightweight, The second set should be moderate, and then perform 2 heavy sets. The reps in the warmup set are 12, In modered set 12, and in heavy sets, the reps range should be 8-12.

Single Arm Dumbbell Row

Single Arm Dumbbell Row is one of the best exercises for back building. This exercise is a favorite of many bodybuilders. This exercise work on many muscles simultaneously such as the upper back, lower back, arms, And core. And I suggest you never skip this exercise on back day. That exercise is beneficial when you perform it in the correct form. See the position given in the gif. And if you didn’t understand then you can learn this exercise from YouTube. Sets for this exercise, First, perform the warm-up set with lightweight, The second set should be moderate, and then perform 2 heavy sets. The reps in the warmup set are 12, In modered set 12, and in heavy sets, the reps range should be 8-12.

Best Back Exercises

For a strong Back, you must perform the deadlift. The deadlift is my favorite exercise, But according to the myth, It works only on the lower back. But In reality, a Deadlift is a compound exercise as it works on the upper back, lower back, traps, hamstrings, forearms, hips, front delt, grip, and calves. Deadlift helps in both muscle building and fat loss. This exercise improves your strength and gives you a better feeling. It corrects your posture. And I want to say you that never miss the deadlift on back day. Sets for the deadlift are according to your strength you can perform 3 or 4 sets of the deadlift, As I told you according to your strength. Start with light weight to activate your back then, perform the set with moderate wight. Then go for the heavyweights, And perform two sets of heavyweight. Reps between the sets depending on weight. If the weight is light then perform 10 reps and if the weight is heavy then perform 6-8 reps.

Best Back Exercises
Pull Ups

Pull-ups are the best bodyweight exercise to build a muscular back. As we all know body exercises are always best to maintain the perfect body. And this exercise work on the overall back. Pull-ups not only work on the back but also work on the forearms, core, and shoulder. To perform this exercise you need willpower. You can do 3 sets of this exercise, And reps between the sets is according to your strength. You can try this exercise as a warmup or you can perform this exercise as a finisher. According to me, you should perform it as a warm-up.

These are the best back exercises that you can perform in the gym. If you perform these exercises on your back day, you will see results in just 7 to 8 weeks. And you can divide these exercises according to your workout plan. If you have this information, share it with your friends and family. Make sure to check out our blog, All About Interview: Value And Best Preparation. Best Chest Exercise In Gym, Introduction to Programming and How to start?

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