Touring Blog
Turfs of Nanded : New Playground for everyone

Turfs of Nanded : New Playground for everyone

Turfs, it is a ground of soil undermeath which has a layer of grass on above. To this generation, Turfs are the only playground are left for people. In my childhood, there were no such type of turfs are available so I used to play in front of my house street, in the farm, in the school entrance ground, in the terrace of our house etc etc. There were no such technology or population available on that time but less from now.So me and my companions played calmly without upsetting any other individual.

I used to play cricket a lot because football need large space while in cricket you adjust that by your own but today someone tries to play in the street, lots of vehicles are moving around it so that you can’t play continuously you have to wait until vehicle passes away but as a vehicle is passed another is arrived. At that time people used to have ground floor houses for their selfs, So If we hit a ball hard then it goes above the houses or otherwise it will land on the terrace of their house and we take ball from there that but now people used to have second floor or third floor building so if we hit a ball then it is not passing the house and ball enters in their house and break their glass or their items and have to get punished by house oweners.

So some people who are used to play like that but not playing due to modernisation of the world created turfs. These turfs are closed grounds so that you were not going outside the turfs and play as much as you can. Me and my friends are playing in that turfs and hope our children also play there.

As you all know we are from Nanded city, so we are sharing our experience to you through this blog, Nanded has servals turfs at many like Phoenix Sports Arena, Play Mania, University Playground, Nanded Turf Academy etc etc. The location of all turfs are as follows,

In this blog, we are not going to cover whole blog but give a idea of what is turfs and what are the facilities are there their advantages or disadvantages like that. So Phoenix Sports Arena is near to our house and we actually play a lot at therefore we are covering Phoenix Sports Arena in this blog So let’s get started.

Phoenix Sports Arena Turfs :-

As you can see Phoenix turfs looks like this in day light which is not impressing as much as night. As you can see in above picture, this turfs is a close ground like every turfs have. It is closed from every side like right to left and top to bottom. In this turfs, football grounds marking is also available for people who used to play football more. There were football goal posts were also avaiable. The grass of this turfs is not natural grass but it feels like the same and this grass at night made it look luxurious.


From 6 to 11 pm it is looks like this. These lights and grass combination is so impressive which gives your the feeling of stadium. In above picture, at the steel wall of the turfs they covered it with rubber because if someone fall to the steel wall, he is not gonna hurt. So this shows how think about people. The steel wall from top to bottom and left to right not having sharp corners so that it will not damages the ball you were going to play with.

Phoenix Sports Arena not only contains football goal posts or marking but also have cricket pitch as you can see in above picture. In the turf, there were different posters outside the wall which motivates to play game fair enough and be a legend like them or show a sportsman’s spirit. These posters contains Barcelona Team of Messi, Real Madrid of Ronaldo, Indian cricket team of MS Dhoni, 1983 World Cup winning team captain Kapil Dev ,Indian team captain Virat Kohli etc etc. This turf, Phoenix Sports Arena is approximately outside of residency or locality of Nanded so no one gonna disturb you. You have to only focus on the game there were no traffic no pollution no horning no people to stop you so this is the best place for playing games.

As you can see in above picture, there were parking section for players who used to play in turfs. You can park there cars, bikes, cycles etc etc So you don’t have to worry about your vehicles because they are in front of you. Phoenix Sports Arena also provides you water and toilets which are must neccesary for every human being. They provide you chairs to take rest untill someone booking is going to expire in a few. This is only for comfort and convince of people which have a great impact on the people. Toilets are both available for boys as well as girls but according to me girls prefer studies not the games so that only few times girls play in turfs.

For booking Phoenix Sports Arena you have to go directly at that spot or you can call owner directly to him number 8999665637 and booked the turf for yourself. As your time is up that ring in above picture start to bell and you have to clear the turf otherwise you have to pay due amount per minute. The price of this turf for one hour (1 hr) for day (10 am to 6 pm) is Rs.1000/- and for night (6 pm to 10 pm) is Rs.1200/-. The difference between price is because in night lights are being used and the electricity bill increases while in day lights are off. If two person were booking turf it cost you Rs.500/- for both but me and my friends are total 10 to 12 so we shared the money by Rs.100/- to each which is very cheap for that amazing facility.

So Guys that’s it for this blog. I hope you will love this blog and do not forget to share with your family, friends and loved ones. If you guys liked this blog then make sure to do comments for more blogs.Expecting you had to be aware of our group then, similarly check our about us page. Don’t neglected to share our site .

Also check out our recent blogs Malu’s Cafe: Food Costa Now In Nanded and Huzur Saheb Nanded Remarkable Blog : The End .

Thank You 🙂

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