All About Interview : Value And Best Preparation
Hi everyone, as we all know in today’s world how important role of interview for getting a job. For getting a job clearing interview is must. Actually interview selection or clearing interview is must requirement of almost every job. Many people lack behind in interviews and gets rejected. So, in this blog we are discussing all about interview, its importance, its types and its preparation. Why we are discussing about interview, its importance, its types and its preparation is a question. So the answer is, In my college there were a whole subject on Communication Skills. In that subject, there were a chapter based on interviews and that chapter has theory as well as practicals. So I have some sort of knowledge related to it which I will delivering to you through this blog. So lets gets started !
Interview :-
Interview is derived from French word “Entrovoir” . Meaning of “Entrovoir” is “to see each other”. But What is interview ? Interview is the purposefully discussion between interviewer and interviewee. In interview, interviewer poses questions to interviewee and interviewee responds to it. This definition is little bit confusing so easy definition is “Interview takes place between interviewer and interviewee where interviewer is the person who asks the questions and interviewee is the person who answers the question or responds to questions and the whole question answer process is known as Interview.”
Value of Interview :-
Interview play important role in every profession. As most of the students prefer jobs, the companies which are going to hire them, clearing interview is the must requirement. In an interview, every interviewer asks questions to interviewee and they not only expects the answers but also observes and judge on the basis of body language, confidence, knowledge, communication skills, behaviour, how you react to stress and so on. Most of the companies in the world hire employees through interview only and many students do nit get job because of bad performance. Many interviews are conducting for receivting purpose.
Types :-
The types of interviews are as follows,
1 ) Campus Interview :-
As name indicates, campus Interviews are held at college campus at universities. the college invited companies to requert the students from their college. This type of interview is also known as College interview.
2 ) Pannel Interview :-
The pannellist sit in their interview cabin to take interview of job applicant. If single person is taking interview then it is called pannellist and if more than one are taking interview then it is called as Pannel interview.
3 ) Telephonic Interview :-
Telephonic interview is done when the interviewer and the interviewee are at very distant places and they are unable to meet. This audio interview or you can say interview on call. As video calls introduced telephonic interviews are neglected because telephonic interviews not so effective as the body language, facial expression can not be seen by the interviewer.
4 ) Video Conferencing Interview :-
As name indicates, Video Conference Interview is the video conference call in which interview takes place. Good internet connect is must for Video Conferencing interview. Video Conferencing interview is most effective at distant interview than telephonic interview. Recently in lockdown period, almost every interview takes place is the video conferencing interview because the guidelines of covid-19. By Video conferencing interview, the interviewer and the interviewee stay safe at their distant places.
5 ) Stress Interview :-
In stress interview, the interviewer creates tension on interviewee and checks the behaviour of the person while the person is in the stress. Most of the times stress interview takes place and it is very effective for getting a job because it is all about handling pressure and responding to it by our own no knowledge is required for this.
6 ) Termination Interview :-
Termination interview is done when the company wants to remove the employee, the company officials calls the employee and give the reason why he or she is being terminated.
7 ) Exit interview :-
Exit interview is conducted when employee wants to resign from the company.
Preparation :-
For the interview preparations following are the points need to master,
- Self Analysis : Self analysis is very important. Analysing ourself, our strengths, our weaknesses, our body language etc are the examples of self analysis.
- Analysis of skills : Analysis of your skills is key for the cracking interview. but what skills ? For example you are an engineer so your skills may be mastering programming languages, cloud computing, search engine optimisations etc your skills depends upon your job.
- Revising subject knowledge : Revision of subject is very necessary without revision no one should remember single line of word.
- Research company : Researching the company where you are interested for job is must. In research we got know something about whether the company is good or bad or what kind of questions they ask in interviews and previous interviews.
- Job analysis : Job analysis is must preparation for any interview. How are the job timings, works, overtime payment, number of holidays, number of personal leaves, lowest salary , highest salary etc you need to cover.
- Developing interview file with all your achievements attached : Having a well developed interview file create a great impact on interviewers and if your achievements are decent then all your interview goes to questions answers of the achievements.
- Memorising resume : Memorising resume is neccesary . If you they mention something that doesn’t exist in your resume and if you don’t know it is in or out then this will create bad impression.
- use body language more : for explaining increase hand movements, using head movements etc.
- Have a positive mind set and attitude
- Be polite in whole interview
- Answer confidently and clearly
- stay calm
- Be flexible
- stay relaxed
So Guys that’s it for this blog. I genuinely want to believe that you will adore this blog and remember to impart to your family, companions and friends and family. On the off chance that you folks preferred this blog, try to do remarks for more communication journals. More information about interviews is available on wikipedia.
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